UB Underground

The lives you do not see,  or nobody wants to see, do not exist. Mutes like the snow and dark as the  path of the night rats, they slide along the peripheral streets, they lower in the underground tunnels  looking for protection, a shelter. Also in Ulaan Baatar, as anywhere in the world, those who cannot find their place in the consumption society is forced to follow, to run after a space for existing, a portion of land where to live. The capitalist idea is a guillotine that leaves no way out: “I have money, therefore I am”  would say Descartes observing the contemporary society. For those whose  living is not legitimated by a sufficient amount of money, the only opportunity left is o occupy  abandoned and refused by the rich society, the places where nobody would even think about living. The Mongolian winters reach 30°C below zero  and wintertime is a sand storm that cuts the skin  and blocks breathing. This, the narrow underground spaces of the town  where the large city heating ducts are located (the only “public” heating source during the freezing winters)  transform in shelters, in alcoves,  for the  “street people”  of UB. The only revenue source for these persons is reselling plastic bottles and cans  found in the city waste dumps. Forgotten like somebody wants to remind, with their white bags full of bottles, they wander like ghosts in the dusty streets of Ulaan Baatar. Then, as if they belonged to an underground word, they go back to their “holes”, in their dark tunnels, sheltering in the shadow of a society that prefers not to look, a society thatprefers turning the sight away to avoid making questions to itself and giving answers.

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